

    Launch of Brand “Bonlex” by C.I. KASEI Group


    August 2000

    Birth of C.I. KASEI Co. Ltd’s European Branch (actual C.I. Takiron Co. Ltd.) in Oderzo (TV)


    April 2007

    Birth of Company Bonlex Europe s.r.l. as we know it today (closing of the branch) and decision to establish the production in Italy by our Mother Company


    October 2007

    Bonlex office’s transfer from Oderzo (TV) to Motta di Livenza (TV)


    May 2008

    1st production of PVC in Bonlex Europe


    October 2008

    1st production of PET in Bonlex Europe


    April 2009

    Installation of the 2nd PET production line


    April 2017

    Bonlex Europe celebrates its 10th Anniversary and our Mother Company – C.I. Kasei Co. Ltd. – joins up with Takiron Co. Ltd. and becomes C.I. Takiron Co. Ltd.


    January 2019

    1st production of R-PET foil in Japan


    December 2019

    Installation of the 3rd PET production line


    January 2021

    1st production of R-PET foil in Italy


    May 2021

    1st Italian Edition of “Kaizen Taikai”.
    Kai=Change and Zen=Good is the continuous and gradual improvement of an activity in order to create more value and less waste.


    October 2021

    Opening of New Showroom in Via Dalmazia 26 (Motta di Livenza)


    the best is yet to come…